The Bridal Giving Boutique is a non-profit initiative in Crown Heights, under the auspices of NCFJE.
Since our launch in 2019, the Bridal Giving Boutique has helped over 500 kallahs, by gifting them brand new sheva brachos outfits and accessories which they “shop” out of our Crown Heights showroom at no-cost. Our goal is to ensure that each kallah celebrates her simcha feeling beautiful & cared for.
The Bridal Boutique gives these brides the gift of joy, the taste of confidence, and the comfort in knowing that they will shine, without a deep financial burden.
Rebbetzin Laya Klein, Mrs Baila Hecht, Mrs Brocha Chein, Mrs. Subie Rubashkin, Mrs. Miri Gourarie and directed by Mrs. Dassie Hecht.
"The help I received today was more then I could have wished for. I felt like a princess. I appreciate the flexibility and confidentiality."
"Thank you so much for the generosity with the kallah boutique. The clothing, bag, tichels and shoes made a huge impact and helped so much with sheva brachot. I really appreciate the gifts. Tizku L'mitzvot"
"Your hachnosas kallah helped me tremendously. Thank you for the beautiful sheva brachos outfits and accessories. It was such a special experience coming to the boutique."