Projects of NCFJE
- Camp Emunah
- Chai Tots
- Hadar Hatorah Rabbinical Seminary
- Ivy League Torah Study Fellowship
- Machne Yisrael Day Camp
- Machon L'Yahdus
- Operation Survival
- Orphan, Poor & Sick Fund
- Pidyon Shevuyim
- Released Time Program
- The Bridal Giving Boutique
- Beth Din of East Flatbush
- Camp Fund for Underprivileged Children
Daily Thought
Know as clear as day and contemplate this deeply, that He who emanates
all into being is He who rules and judges this world. In the heavens above and
on the earth below, there is nothing else. (Deut. 4:39)
The same G‑d who transcends all time and space
is the same G‑d manifest in all the forces and fields of physics.
The same G‑d from whom all existence emerges
is the same G‑d who conceals that truth from every conscious being, providing
space for each one to be that which it is.
The same G‑d from whom all life extends is the
same G‑d who restrains that energy, with kindness, so that finite creatures can
exist, to the tiniest worm hiding in the bowels of the earth.
And when you know all this, and you
contemplate it well…
…that the very substance of...
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